Home Office vs Out of Home Office / Modern Shed, Barn, House Addition Solutions

One of the biggest things I miss about working from home is using less gas. I am starting to rethink working from home again. But, not actually in the home. Luckily, we have a huge backyard where I could potentially put up a small prefab Modern Shed. For the cost of rent, additional internet service, gas and often food, when I have not prepared my lunch or snacks from home, I could put one of these up (more funds needed but worth it). Those are the biggest pros. And, of course, it would be to my liking, design and all. Modern Shed is a bit more than I would like to spend when you measure it against actually putting an addition on our house but somehow since the addition is connected, I still feel in the house. The best solution may be to build a barn garage, as we really need one, with a studio above it.

The cons are the solitude. I worked at home for six years and this past winter felt isolated from daily exposure to people. I see people in my errands, meetings, and at yoga, but there was a thirst to be back in an outside office. Now, that I am, I am yearning for the balance between the two. Where I am now is great but there is also a ton of traffic to get here. I know wine wine wine. Really, I am not complaining. Everything is as it should be. But, life often needs corrections and adjustments. I still do not feel 100% in my current office. And, I do not know about you but it really has to feel right or I cannot move with it. When you know you know. And, if you stay content with the in between not much changes.

If you are considering this transition, remember it takes time to get what you really want and need. I ended up in the out of house studio I am in now because it was fitting for all my needs six months ago. I ran out my 6 month lease and signed a new 6 month lease but am looking for a new improved solution to bridge everything together.

If I end up in my backyard barn I will remind myself to go downtown to walk around sometimes to see people! You have to get out or you really go nuts. The thing is, in my office now, I am in it alone all day. I see people in the building but overall the main goal getting out of the house was to feel like I had a home. To come home at the end of the day and know I had not been there constantly. So, no matter what, the structure has to be separate from the main living space. Or, a closer place I can walk to would work too. The fuel is really a killer.